The following is a list of committees with membership from across the denomination. In some cases, the committees have members from other collaborating denominations. Clerk email addresses are listed when the committee has one.
Members listed and recipients of committee emails reflect updates made after the 2022 synod.
Ad Hoc Committee – Combined Church Order Committee
The Church Order Committee may be called upon by consistories for advice in church orderly challenging matters. The committee is also working with the FRC on creating a common church order.
Ray Pennings, Clerk (FRC, St. George, ON)
Rev. Lawrence Bilkes (FRC Grand Rapids, MI)
Rev. Bart Elshout (Hull)
Rev. Michael Fintelman (Plymouth)
Rev. Pieter van der Hoek (Burgessville)
Rev. Pieter VanderMeyden (FRC, Vineland, ON)
Article 49 Committee
The Article 49 Committee (or Deputies of Article 49) is established under Article 49 of our Church Order to care for urgent denominational matters between meetings of Synod, such as ensuring that all is in order for the release of a pastor from one congregation and his installation in another. Consistories may also call on this committee for its advice when dealing with complex or challenging matters.
Rev. John Procee, Chairman (Chilliwack)
Rev. Bart Elshout, Clerk (Hull)
Rev. David Lipsy, Alternate (Burgessville)
Dr. Mark Kelderman, Member (Grand Rapids)
Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth Committee
The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth Committee oversees the publication of the denominational publication, Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. This includes matters regarding its format, publication, distribution, financial status, subscription rate, etc.
Doug Post, Chairman (Hull)
Lorne Bayne (Jordan)
Neil Den Dekker (Burgessville)
Bill Klyn (Burgessville)
Peter Koppert (Burgessville)
Herb Krul (Chilliwack)
Paul Wagenaar (Jordan)
Dr. Joel Beeke, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth Tract Mission Committee
The Banner of Truth Tract Committee is authorized to write digital and printed tracts that churches and individuals can use for distribution. The tracts aim to address subjects of current need.
Dr. Joel Beeke (Grand Rapids)
James Beeke (Chilliwack)
James Teunissen (Grand Rapids)
Biblical Sexuality Committee
The Biblical Sexuality Committee provides relevant biblical key references, past synodical decisions, and helpful resources for consistories to consult on a variety of human sexuality topics, such as biblical teachings regarding human sexuality; marriage, divorce, and re-marriage; LGBYQ issues; pornography, etc. The committee can also be called on for advice when consistories face challenging issues regarding pornography, divorce, remarriage, etc.
James Beeke, Chairman (Chilliwack)
Tim Pols, Vice Chairman (Grand Rapids)
Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven, Clerk (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Mark Kelderman (Grand Rapids)
William Kuivenhoven (Burgessville)
Church Correspondence Committee (CCC) – Representatives to NAPARC
The Church Correspondence Committee meets with other church denominations to seek ecclesiastical fellowship. In so far as possible, the committee recommends denominations that meet all the necessary criteria to Synod for the next step of ecclesiastical fellowship. The committee also represents the HRC at such meetings as NAPARC and ICRC, and as delegates to other denominations’ meetings, such as synod, general assembly, classis, and combined consistory meetings.
Rev. Mark Kelderman, Chairman-Advisory (Grand Rapids)
James Beeke, Standing Clerk-Advisory (Chilliwack)
Kevin Ash (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Bart Elshout, Advisory (Hull)
Dr. Martin Faasse (Grand Rapids)
Corney Les (Chilliwack)
Dr. Adriaan Neele (Grand Rapids)
Doug Post (Hull)
Rev. Pieter van der Hoek (Burgessville)
Dr. Joel Beeke, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
Denominational Operating & Student Support Funds Committee
The Denominational Operating Fund and Theological Student Support Fund have been merged into one committee. This committee provides funds and pays invoices for other HRC committees according to each committee’s Synod-appointed budget. The committee also ensures that sufficient funds are available and supports our theological students according to their monthly allotment as appointed by Synod.
Steve Tanis, Clerk-Advisory (Kinnelon)
Chris Den Hertog (Chilliwack)
Mike Koppert (Burgessville)
Gary Kwekel (Grand Rapids)
Peter Tenvoorde (Burgessville)
Tom Westrate (Grand Rapids)
Denominational Website Committee
The Denominational Website Committee creates and maintains a HRC website; see The website includes such information as HRC churches in North America and their location and service times. The previous HRC Church Directory information is now uploaded onto this website. The website also provides information regarding the HRC’s history, beliefs, emphasis, distinctives, doctrinal standards, special services, worship practices, ministers, outreach, missions, seminary, and Christian schools. This committee works to keep the website current.
Andrew Gruswitz, Chairman (Kinnelon)
Nick Meschke (Grand Rapids)
Dr. Adriaan Neele (Kinnelon)
Disaster Fund Committee
The Disaster Committee notifies consistories of disasters, emergencies and other special events to which churches may wish to provide urgent relief funding. The Committee also researches and recommends reliable organizations and individuals (with their contact information) to forward funds for assisting with these relief efforts.
Calvin Beeke, Chairman (Grand Rapids)
Charles VandenBerg (Grand Rapids)
Roger Vroegindewey (Grand Rapids)
Domestic Outreach Committee (DOC)
The Domestic Outreach Committee examines options for new outreaches and church plants in North America (Canada, USA, and Mexico). It oversees such outreaches and requests financial support as required. If a small established congregation needs financial help, this is also recommended and overseen by this committee. Funds are distributed as approved by Synod for needy church outreaches and small congregations.
Bill Beeke, Clerk (Chilliwack)
Josh DeHaan (Jordan)
Josh Silvy (Harrison)
Joel Fintelman (Burgessville)
Doug Post (Hull)
Greg Tanis (Kinnelon)
Rev. Pieter VanderHoek
Dr. Brian Najapfour (Jordan)
Rev. John Procee (Chilliwack)
Julian Valdez (Jordan)
Emeritus Fund Committee
The Emeritus Fund determines financial amounts to be given to retired denominational ministers and their widows, according to Synod-approved policies for this purpose. The committee ensures that these funds are distributed accordingly. The committee also makes recommendations to Synod for updates to existing policies and procedures.
Lorne Bayne (Jordan)
Tom Rose, Chairman (Kinnelon)
John Van Driel (Jordan)
Russ VandenToorn (Grand Rapids)
Gospel Trumpet Committee
The Gospel Trumpet Committee proclaims the gospel to the world by selecting and printing sermons from HRC pastors, broadcasting sermons and instructional topics via radio ministry, and providing a website with resources that can be downloaded at no charge.
Dirk Spaans, Chairman (Grand Rapids)
Tim Roos, Clerk (Chilliwack)
James Teunissen, Treasurer (Grand Rapids)
Jonathan Averink (Burgessville)
Brad Baker (Grand Rapids)
Ben DenHollander (Jordan)
Stuart Johnson (Grand Rapids)
Dr. Joel Beeke, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
HRC – FRC Unity Committee
The FRC-HRC Unity Committee is comprised of an equal number of HRC and FRC members appointed by their respective Synods. The committee identifies areas of difference that would need resolving if the two denominations would unite into one. The committee makes suggestions as to how these differences could best be addressed and how unity can be enhanced between the two denominations’ churches and members.
James Beeke, Co-Chairman (Chilliwack)
Rev. Jack Schoeman, Co-Chairman (FRC, Abbotsford, BC)
Kevin Ash, Clerk (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Mark Kelderman (Grand Rapids)
Connor Keuning (FRC, Hamilton, ON)
Edward Laman (FRC, Brantford, ON)
Rev. Eric Moerdyk (FRC, Monarch, AB)
Rev. Don Overbeek (Bradford)
Mission Committee (MC)
The Mission Committee investigates and recommends opportunities for denominational foreign (outside of North America) mission ministry to Synod. The committee oversees the spiritual, physical, and financial needs of HRC foreign mission ministries. It provides support accordingly for each mission work, within the budgets approved by Synod for each ministry.
Corney Les, Chairman (Chilliwack)
Ben Engelsma (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Terry Klaver (Harrison)
Bill Klyn (Burgessville)
Rob Koppert, Treasurer (Burgessville)
Edward Otten (Jordan)
Rev. Johnny Serafini (Kinnelon)
William Tanis, Sr. (Kinnelon)
Gijs VandenBogerd (Grand Rapids)
Russ Vanden Toorn (Grand Rapids)
Dick Westrate (Grand Rapids)
Office-bearers’ Conference Committee
The Office-bearers’ Conference Committee determines topics, speakers, locations, and dates/times for denominational office-bearers to meet and be instructed in and discuss relevant topics for office-bearers. These meeting times are often in connection with Synod, and a number are planned jointly with the FRC.
Rev. Pieter van der Hoek, Chairman (Burgessville)
Mark Fintelman (Jordan)
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag (Grand Rapids)
PRTS Board of Trustees
The PRTS Board of Trustees serves as the operational board for Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. It meets and makes governing decisions on a regular basis and reports to the HRC Synod. The PRTS Board of Trustees requests approvals from Synod for hiring new full-time faculty, approving of the annual budget, endorsing of strategic planning, and any other type of decision requiring synodical approval.
Kevin Ash, President (Grand Rapids)
Del Deur, Clerk (Grand Rapids)
James Beeke (Chilliwack)
Henry DeVries (Grand Rapids)
Jonathan Englsma (Grand Rapids)
Paul Greendyk (Kinnelon)
Connor Keuning (FRC, Hamilton, ON)
Rev. David Lipsy (Burgessville)
Rev. Ian Macleod (Grand Rapids)
Rev. E. Moerdyk (FRC, Monarch, AB)
Dr. Michael Barrett, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
Dr. Joel Beeke, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
Dr. Gerald Bilkes, Advisory (FRC, Grand Rapids)
Dr. Adriaan Neele, Advisory (Kinnelon)
PRTS Foundation Board of Trustees
The PRTS Foundation Committee oversees the PRTS Foundation. The Foundation seeks donations and invests them. From the interest and investment proceeds, the committee issues annual donations to PRTS.
Tim Kwekel, Chairman (Grand Rapids)
William Ter Harmsel, Vice-Chairman (Jordan)
Peter Schenderling (Chilliwack)
Matt Stam (Chilliwack)
Psalter Revision Committee
The Psalter Review Committee includes representatives from the HRC, FRC, and PRC. The Committee is updating the current Psalter and renumbering the Psalters to match the 150 biblical psalms.
Rev. Joel Overduin, Chairman (FRC, Vineland, ON)
Rev. Barry Gritters, Vice-Chairman (PRCA Seminary)
Rev. David Van Brugge, Clerk (FRC, Brantford, ON)
Joshua Hoekstra (Hudsonville PRCA)
Rev. Douglas Kuiper (PRCA Seminary)
Ellis Meschke (Grand Rapids)
Ted Postma (FRC, Brantford, ON)
David VandenBerg (FRC, Vineland, ON)
James van den Brink (Jordan)
Theological Student Committee
The Theological Student Committee ensures that all application information for an HRC applicant for the ministry is in order in time to meet Synod deadlines. Once a theological student is accepted the committee works with the student and ensures that he and his family are doing well and that the HRC is staying connected and communicating regularly with the student and with PRTS. The committee offers helpful counsel and action to resolve any arising problematic issues. Progress reports on each student are prepared for Synod every year.
Tim Pols, Chairman (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Terry Klaver, Vice-Chairman (Harrison)
Tom Rose, Clerk (Kinnelon)
James Englsma, Treasurer (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Mike Fintelman (Plymouth)
Doug Post (Hull)
Dr. Joel Beeke, Advisory (Grand Rapids)
Rev. Mark Kelderman, Advisory (Grand Rapids)