The HRC wholeheartedly affirms the divine inspiration, sufficiency, clarity, authority, and necessity of Scripture. Such is Scripture’s self-attestation (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20-21; Heb. 1:1-2, 4:12). We believe that this supernatural divine revelation ceased with the closing of the canon, so that Scripture alone remains the living voice of God to the church today.
At church, home, and school, we covet the power of the Spirit that makes sinners wise unto salvation through the Scriptures.
The Authorized (often called, “King James”) Version of the Bible is used in HRC worship services, being judged a faithful and unrivaled translation of the authentic and preserved texts. We also wish to avoid the confusion that arises from the use of a variety of translations in church services. All ministers stress scriptural exposition in their preaching, teaching, and pastoral visitation. Local church meetings are immersed in the Scriptures; meetings of the combined churches, called classes (singular: classis), strive to do everything in accord with the Scriptures. All classes taught aim to ground themselves in the Scriptures.
The HRC encourages and admonishes its members to be intensely Word-centered in faith and practice. We believe that as we learn to think, speak, and act more Biblically, our teaching will become more effective and our witness more fruitful. This belief is particularly dear with regard to the children of the congregations in our covenant homes. Great care is taken to educate the children in the Bible from an early age not only in church or at Christian schools, but also at home. The family altar is a place of daily prayer, reading, and discussion of Scripture and songs of praise in the home.
Christian school education that centers on the Scripture receives a high priority in the HRC, often at great personal sacrifice for parents. Most of the denomination’s children attend schools that strive to educate children in sound, Biblical teaching from pre-K through Grade 12.
In sum, the HRC sets a high premium on reading, searching, meditating, knowing, believing, singing, loving, praying, living and practicing the Scriptures. Our prayer is that God would enable us increasingly to become Word-centered.