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HRC members promote sound Reformed literature around the world, including:

  • The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, the official family periodical of the denomination, which is published ten times per year (bsgt@sbcglobal.net);
  • Banner of Truth Tract Mission, which distributes tens of thousands of tracts around the world each year and thousands of sermons to prisoners in various U.S. jails (bsgt@sbcglobal.net);
  • Glad Tidings, the official mission publication of the denomination (janekorevaar@gmail.com);
  • Gospel Trumpet sermons, written by HRC ministers and printed three sermons per booklet, distributed free of charge;
  • Inheritance Publishers (IP), which publishes approximately four out-of-print pocket sermons per year (23,000 booklets per printing) of Reformed ministers from the 16th-19th centuries, and distributes them free of charge around the world (ip@hnrc.org);
  • Reformation Heritage Books (RHB), a nonprofit organization that publishes two books per month, sells new (3,000 titles) and used books of Reformed and Puritan persuasion at discount rates, and provides free books to seminaries and pastors in Africa and to prisoners. Quarterly catalogs are available (RHB, 2965 Leonard N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525, 616-977-0599, orders@heritagebooks.org; on-line at www.heritagebooks.org

Additionally, because the HRC considers reading literature of our Reformed heritage very important, many churches have their own bookstores and libraries. (Though the IP and RHB are, strictly speaking, independent from the denomination, most members of both boards are HRC members.)

The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth

The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth is a periodical of the HRC Denomination. We encourage you to read through some of our issues and subscribe to receive issues in the mail. Learn more at: http://www.bsgtonline.com/ Find archived issues at: http://www.bsgtonline.com/read

Banner of Truth Tract Mission

Banner of Truth Tract Mission, which distributes tens of thousands of tracts around the world each year and thousands of sermons to prisoners in various U.S. jails (bsgt@sbcglobal.net);

Glad Tidings

The purpose of the Heritage Reformed Congregations missions program is to glorify the Triune God, by proclaiming the message of salvation alone in Jesus Christ throughout the world, in order that lost sinners might be reconciled to God in Christ by the Holy Spirit. Glad Tidings is published three times a year, April, August, and December. It is available free of charge…

Gospel Trumpet

Gospel Trumpet Gospel Trumpet derives its name from the idea that the gospel of God’s free grace in Jesus Christ to needy sinners and penitent believers must be sounded throughout the earth with a clear trump, so as to prepare believers for spiritual battle. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:8, “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the…

Inheritance Publishers

Inheritance Publishers (IP), which publishes approximately four out-of-print pocket sermons per year (23,000 booklets per printing) of Reformed ministers from the 16th-19th centuries, and distributes them free of charge around the world (ip@hnrc.org). Visit their website at http://inheritancepublishers.com/

Reformation Heritage Books

Reformation Heritage Books (RHB), a nonprofit organization that publishes two books per month, sells new (3,000 titles) and used books of Reformed and Puritan persuasion at discount rates, and provides free books to seminaries and pastors in Africa and to prisoners. Quarterly catalogs are available (RHB, 2965 Leonard N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525,…